Helpful Information
Sturgeon Bay Chiropractors Helpful Information

Check out these helpful links picked out by our team!
- Optimally Functioning Immune Defense:
- The Role of the Status of Selected Micro Nutrients in Shaping the Immune Function
- Neutrophil Immunomodulatory Activity of Natural Organosulfur Compounds
- Effects of different processing methods on the antioxidant and immune stimulating abilities of garlic
- Allicin enhances antimicrobial activity of macrophages during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
- Immunomodulatory Effects of Glutathione, Garlic Derivatives, and Hydrogen Sulfide
- Organosulfur compounds induce cytoprotective autophagy against apoptosis by inhibiting mTOR phosphorylation activity in macrophages
- Aged garlic extract supplementation modifies inflammation and immunity of adults with obesity: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
- Efficacy of vitamin C for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infection. A meta-analysis in children
- New insights about regulatory T cells distribution and function with exercise: the role of immunometabolsim
- Physical Activity and Diet Shape the Immune System during Aging
- Video of "Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace"
- Chemicals linked with severe respiratory disease found in common e-cigarette flavors
- Click to read "Chiropractic: A Safer Strategy Than Opioids"
- Click to read "F4CP Issues Statement on Pain Management, Commends National Safety Council Report: DrugFree Chiropractic Care is Safe, Effective First Option to Avoid Opioids"
- Click to read "F4CP Alerts Chronic Pain Sufferers About Overuse of OTC Pain Medications, Underscores Importance of Drug-free Chiropractic Care"
- Click to read "F4CP Addresses Osteoarthritis Pain Relief, Emphasizes Importance of Physical Activity and Value of Chiropractic Care"
- Watch Rob Knight discussing microbes!
- Watch Sarah Hallberg discuss how to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes by ignoring the guidelines!
- Do you know someone in need of help through the pains of divorce? This is a great resource to help get through a very difficult time
7:30am - 6:00pm
7:30am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
7:30am - 5:00pm
Staudenmaier Chiropractic Wellness Center, SC
30 North 18th Avenue Suite 3
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Phone: (920) 743-7255
Fax: (920) 743-7256